Ways to help

You have several options to support these students complete their high school studies.

Join us either by making voluntary contributions sponsoring these talented students, or become a mPADRINO (Full sponsor) by sponsoring full scholarships for one or more students for his/her upper high school.

With your help, we can really make a change and boost education in Mexico through a model of support for new, better generations with alternatives for a better future.

APADRINAR (Full Scolarship)

Help a student with a full scholarship.
Total Scolarship Inversion: $ 180,000 MX pesos
Payment options:

3 annual payments of $60,000 MX pesos, or
6 semestral payments of $30,000 MX pesos

You can also help with a High School scholarship .
Total Scolarship Payment: $ 90,000 MX pesos